CT female union

  • Brand:    FONTER
  • Type:    CT-FU20,CT-FU25,CT-FU32,CT-FU40,CT-FU50
  • Description:   Cf8 material (similar to S304 austenitic stainless steel); stainless steel natural passivation surface; oil resistant rubber is the sealing media; the system setting temperature is -40~+100°C; the system setting pressure is PN25bar (test level - 40~+150°C; PN 100bar)
Name: CT female union
Introduced: Cf8 material (similar to S304 austenitic stainless steel); stainless steel natural passivation surface; oil resistant rubber is the sealing media; the system setting temperature is -40~+100°C; the system setting pressure is PN25bar (test level - 40~+150°C; PN 100bar)
Specification ID
DN20mm × Rc 3/4" CT-FU20
DN25mm × Rc 1" CT-FU25
DN32mm × Rc 1-1/4" CT-FU32
DN40mm × Rc 1-1/2" CT-FU40
DN50mm × Rc 2" CT-FU50
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